The readers may be interested to know that the Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management of IIT Bombay is geared up to host, in collaboration with the Ministry of Human Resources and Development [MHRD], the 2nd International Conference on Management of Intellectual Property and Strategy.
The conference, which is going to be held from January 30 to February 2, 2014, will have as its theme “IP for Development: The emerging Paradigm”. It aims to provide a suitable and conducive platform to discuss, debate and present contemporary research in the area of IP rights and efficient management thereof.
The call for papers for the conference has already been announced and the major sub-themes that have been identified so far include: - Economics of commons,
- Managing technology and knowledge transfer and spillovers,
- Standardization and pooling through IPR,
- Identification, decisions and strategic management of IPR – IP Informatics and analysis,
- Missing IP management in strategy,
- Myths and realities in IP quality, valuation and its branding,
- Navigating the digital jungle – IPR as the compass,
- Public institutions, requirements and intergenerational equity of IP,
- Rationales and paradigms in the role of IPR,
- The public – private dichotomy under TRIPS Flexibility and Maximum standards and Open Innovation – Does IP get in the way.
Submissions: In order to submit a paper, one has to register and upload the extended abstract online at towards the submission and review process. The extended abstract would be limited to 750 words [including the keywords]. Workshop/Tutorial proposals of less than 500 words related to IPR are also invited.
The last date of submission of full papers is October 1, 2013. The selected and reviewed submissions would be classified into Research/Practitioners/Case study categories.
In order for the researcher/author to be eligible for the research papers stream and the related grants, full papers must be submitted. Practitioners’ series can be an extended abstract of 3 pages.
With lofty aims of enhancement, expansion and acknowledgement of the quality of IPR research occurring in India, the conference is also proposing two sets of awards to be presented, the first set being towards the recognition of the top two research, practitioner and case papers under Indian and foreign category, while the second set being for the best thesis in the area of IPR, being defended under Indian and foreign category.
Details about travel support for shortlisted students from India and partial travel support for shortlisted international students [especially developing nations] who present their research work are due to be released shortly.
Important Timelines:
Extended Abstract Due: June 15, 2013
Review Status : August 15, 2013
Workshops / Tutorials Proposals: July 1, 2013
Full Paper for Review: October 1, 2013
Full paper review and selection status : December 1, 2013
Early Registration: October 1 0 – December 23, 2013
Regular Registration : December 24, 2013 onwards
Camera Ready Paper: December 30, 2013
Conference Dates: January 30 – February 2, 2014
For submitting proposals for workshops, tutorials and sponsorship, one should contact at mips[at] For further details on the conference, the following persons should be got in touch with:
MIPS 2014 Conference Secretary
IPR Chair Office SJMSOM, IIT Bombay, Powai
Prof. (Ms.) Karuna Jain
MHRD IPR Chair Professor
IPR Chair Office:[at]